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it's february already

February 1, 2020

Hey, it's already the 1st of February.

The family is playing Blackjack downstairs. The Chinese New Year season isn't over yet — We've still got 7 more days to go. We're catering Thai food on the last day and I've invited some friends over that I haven't seen in awhile.

I thought I'd already gotten over what heartbreak feels like; But this doesn't feel as much like heartbreak than it does like rejection — Someone saying: "Don't talk to me, I won't reply you. Please, don't even try."

Fine, I get the hint.

You get your wish.

I borrowed a book from the Esplanade library: "The Art of Acting" by Stella Adler. Both Adam and Budi used to ask us to read it — That, and Uta Hagen. I can hear Stella speaking to me through her words on the page:

"I'm not telling you to give up innocence. But don't confuse innocence with adolescence. I want you to be innocent, wise and ninety-five."

What a genius she was (and still is).