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c'est la vie

January 27, 2020

So many things in-the-works, but nothing concrete happening yet.

There are days where it's hard to get by, but you do, with the support of friends and (certain) family members.

I've been in-recovery for 20 days now — A far cry from where I was before.

I still remember the first few days of recovery. Those were the hardest... But I was inspired to begin writing (almost) daily in my blog because of the amount of free time I had on my hands. Plus, I had just ended a relationship with someone who had become my world for a little over 2 years. I was definitely in a very solemn and reflective state of mind...

Denise has just gotten a new boyfriend. I'm really happy for her! She's lucky that hers isn't a long-distance relationship.

Still, I don't regret a single moment of the LDR that I had. I've travelled more in the last 2 years - the last year, in fact - than I've ever travelled in my life. I don't regret one second of it, but I wish that I didn't have to fly back to Singapore every time.

There are so many things that I wish, but right now it is what it is. I can't move to Denmark because I have to be here building my career to a point where I'm able to move freely and eventually move overseas — That's the game plan, but it's a long game.

"C'est la vie" as the French say — Such is life.