Where everything starts is where it all ends.
I suppose I've grieved enough...
I've come to the conclusion that I'm the kind of person that doesn't give up on a good thing till it's gone. One might say that I'm a bit of a cockeyed optimist, but that's how I choose to look at things. I don't give up easily, and I don't give in to circumstance.
I've always been very aware of my mortality.
Some people call it "maturity" and "wisdom beyond my years," while others can't quite comprehend why I choose to think about life the way that I do. They say "ignorance is bliss," but I don't agree with that statement. Ignorance is foolishness in my books.
"Life is short."
It's a truth that I've always known; that I carry with me through every experience I’ve ever had, and will ever have.
It’s not an easy truth to bear, but it forces me to treasure precious moments with all my heart. It’s a knowledge that can cause great pain, but it is also the catalyst for great love and even greater freedom; when you come face-to-face with the fact that nothing lasts forever (at least, not in the way you knew it before) you begin to realise the importance of fighting hard for the things you truly care about, and it becomes easier to let go of things and people that don’t serve your growth and well-being.
“Only time will tell...”
I believe that time in and of itself does not guarantee anything; it does not tell anything.
It’s what happens within that time, but more importantly, how you choose to spend that time that makes all the difference. Time isn’t something that you can control, but it is something that you can make use of — So use time, but don’t ever let time use you.
Life is made up of a never-ending series of choices and decisions that result in varying outcomes; but as in any deck of cards, there’s always a “joker” — A wildcard. So don’t be afraid to take crazy chances, to roll the dice and let Fate decide sometimes.
I don’t believe in predestination, but I do believe in chance.
So take a chance, roll the dice.